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Visualizations and learning

MCTS Tic-tac-toe visualization
An interactive web tool for explaining the Monte Carlo Tree Search algorithm. Over 200 stars on GitHub and top result when you search for MCTS visualizations.
Perceptron visualization
A visualization of the Perceptron Learning Algorithm, one of the simplest models in machine learning classification.
Simulated Annealing visualization
A visualization of the classic Simulated Annealing algorithm, using the clustering problem as example.
Finite Automata renderer
A web tool where you can create and run Deterministic Finite Automata.
Decision Tree renderer
A simple web tool to render Decision Tree-like structures.

Helpful tools

Hundred Hammers
A Python library for quickly trying out several machine learning algorithms on a given dataset.
Kindle clippings viewer (PT-BR)
A web tool for quickly viewing book clippings from brazilian Kindles, without having to sign-up to any Amazon service.
An YouTube-powered internet radio for personal websites.

To spread joy

Korean-brazilian name translator
An online tool for translating korean names into brazilian portuguese, and vice-versa.
Names of Brazil
A website with every name in Brazil, as reported by the 2010 National Census.
Is this word on the Bible?
A page where you can check if certain words are on the brazilian portuguese Bible. Accepts entire texts.
What words can be written in Brazilian license plates?
An analysis of possible vanity plates for brazilian drivers who like their 1337speak.
The lost Brazilian translation of Pokémon's 1st and 2nd generation of creatures. Went viral in 2021.
ERBoH Reference Network
An interactive visualization of every mention made in Epic Rap Battles of History. Best shown than explained.
What is the best starting word for Brazilian wordle?
An analysis of the best starting word for the web-game Term.ooo, AKA the brazilian portuguese version of Wordle.